

What if we told you that the average clean renewable energy delivered to large corporates can be increased by integrating wind and solar farms to provide a hybrid supply. Wind Solar Hybrid presents an opportunity to harness the complementary nature of solar power and wind power. A Wind Solar hybrid plant generates power in a continuous pattern, with much less variability than a standalone solar plant (generates only during daylight hours) or standalone wind plant (generates mainly during evening/night). The Wind Solar Hybrid solution ensures high Plant Load Factors (PLFs) and offers a highly efficient as well as stable energy source.


Switch to PV panels and save on your electricity bill today.


Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid.


The team is involved at the very early stages of each project and covers a full range of O&M activities

* Example: The below graph showcases the benefit of procuring power from the Wind Solar Hybrid Farm. Let’s assume that this large corporate has a need for continuous & constant power load of 100 units throughout the year 24x7. In this example, power procurement through solar plant alone can only cater to 60 units i.e. for every 100 units of electricity required only 60% of power can be substituted by Solar , while wind alone can only cater to 50 units i.e. for every 100 units electricity required only 50% of power can be substituted by Wind. But the power procurement through a Wind Solar Hybrid farm can supply up to 75 units i.e. for every 100 units of electricity required 75% of the power requirement can be substituted by Wind Solar Hybrid Farm with little to no reliance on banking. In this example, the customer can achieve around 30% savings on their annual electricity bills versus 20% to 25% from wind or solar alone, due to the larger proportion of power supplied.
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